Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Adaline Mae : 10 & 11 Months

Good grief.

How is it almost October? How is my BABY one month away from being one?

I seriously can't.

The past couple of months have been a blur, mostly due to demanding and completely overrated busy schedules, but also due to unavoidable life "stuff". So my apologies to my second born. If I sit down and think too long on the fact that all of this is going really quickly, I start to cry.

Because it really is going too fast.

Adaline, most recently called Lady A, is curious and feisty these days. She loves outlets and cords and getting into cabinets and drawers. This is all new to us. Well, not so new anymore, because Addie has broken us into the world of curious babies rather quickly.

She talks a lot, loves making loud noises with anything she can get her hands on, and barrels through the house like a wild animal. Quite the stark difference from her big sister who loves spending her mornings quietly reading in her room.

She loves cuddling and rocking to sleep. No matter how chaotic our days may be, I know I can always count on slowing down, turning my brain off and cuddling with Addie-Bug.

We are working really, really hard on signing "more" and "all done". Addie s-c-r-e-a-m-s for more. Screams. There is absolutely no patience when waiting for the next bite of food. This kid is 100% like her big sister in this fact.

My word, does she love the swing. Mostly because big sis loves the swing and Addie has to do everything Lyla does. But she smiles and giggles and kicks her feet back and forth, begging to be pushed.

Lady A is saying actual words. I can't remember for the life of me when Lyla started talking, but something tells me Addie will be the chatterbox. She says mama, dada, bye-bye, hi and lala (Lyla, her favorite person in the entire universe).

This sweet kiddo waves hi and bye-bye to everyone. When Grams comes over, when dad leaves for work in the morning, when we drop Lyla off at school. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

Actually, I think Addie standing up and staring out the window is the cutest thing I've ever seen.

We took both babes on a lake trip with friends last month. It was so good for my soul on every account. I don't think I've ever heard a baby laugh as hard as Addie while riding the boat. She loved it. She did not, however, love the life jacket. Can't say I blame her.

She's going through this sharing phase. It's so darn sweet, I feel like my heart my rip in half. She picks things up and immediately holds them up for Gabe or I to see. She does this over and over again, looking up at us for approval.

This one is my littlest buddy. She happily totes along with me wherever I go - preschool drop-off, coffee with (adult) friends, work meetings, underwear shopping. And she loves it. Most of the time. Except when she skips her morning nap 3 days in a row. Then, she lets us know she's had enough of the running around all over town business.

Sigh. It is so strange that next month's post is O-N-E. I really can't quite grasp that.

So instead, I'm just going to focus on the fact that I have an 11 month old for now.